2017: Dircksey Issue 5 After Dark Cover Illustration.
Dircksey is part of ECU's student guild magazine, run by students for the Perth community. It helps to engage young talents including writers, musicians, artists and photographers in an opportunity to express themselves in the magazine as a collective.
After Dark is a horror theme covering the supernatural, ghosts, psychics, and spiritual topics.
As the illustrator for this design, I thought about playing on the stereotypes as a way to convey this theme. Replacing teenagers around a campfire, I decided to illustrate different horror characters such as a creepy bunny, Dracula, the Werewolf, Slenderman and a ghost. The idea of the campfire is a reference to storytelling in the woods, as the magazine holds many articles, stories, quizzes and more to engage the reader in.
Dircksey is part of ECU's student guild magazine, run by students for the Perth community. It helps to engage young talents including writers, musicians, artists and photographers in an opportunity to express themselves in the magazine as a collective.
After Dark is a horror theme covering the supernatural, ghosts, psychics, and spiritual topics.
As the illustrator for this design, I thought about playing on the stereotypes as a way to convey this theme. Replacing teenagers around a campfire, I decided to illustrate different horror characters such as a creepy bunny, Dracula, the Werewolf, Slenderman and a ghost. The idea of the campfire is a reference to storytelling in the woods, as the magazine holds many articles, stories, quizzes and more to engage the reader in.

To read a copy of this Dircksey Issue, hop on to https://issuu.com/ecuguild/docs/dircksey_after_dark3
And thank you again for viewing and supporting my work!