A passion project from the follow-up of my Organ Life series. This explores the brain character further and the different interactions it could have. The idea is to create
Facebook chat stickers from this character but also use this as a platform to practice my digital art coloring techniques and characterisation concepts.
Overall, this was a fun project and I will continue to experiment with the Organ characters as part of my passion project. I will upload at a later stage my previous Organ project where I investigating collector culture and explored the organ characters through the digestive system.
Overall, this was a fun project and I will continue to experiment with the Organ characters as part of my passion project. I will upload at a later stage my previous Organ project where I investigating collector culture and explored the organ characters through the digestive system.

This is a partial set, so I am going to keep building on it, but I hope to share what I have as progress of my skills and what I am currently working on.

Pumped! or Should I say an energised brain ready to take action! That was the goal behind this character action. I am usually used to keeping the line art one color, but after discovering the clipping mask tool, I decided to see how my illustrations work with different line art colors. I got very interesting results.

"CBF" the acronym for "Can't be f*cked". It's another one of those millennial/Gen Z quotes where you honestly can't be bothered. I played around with the idea of the brain being lazy on a beanbag. Have you ever had a relatable moment like this?

I wanted this to be a picture says it all. The piles of work to be a strain to our sanity and how it puts stress on us. We shouldn't let work pile up for the last minute neither should we take on more work than we need to.

Taken from the saying "My brain is fried". Thinking about the concept of the melted brain when you have taken too much info or when you have had a hot fever. Idea is that it is open to interpretation.

The small talk of "Hi, How is it going"; "Yeah, not much, you?".
Are we really not doing much by sitting on the toilet? We tend to consider the everyday actions to be "not much" while doing something more than everyday activities is considered "productive". As we can't say we doing much if the other person is also doing those same everyday activities, isn't it?
The other interpretation, is that you like to keep your life private by keeping the response vague.
Are we really not doing much by sitting on the toilet? We tend to consider the everyday actions to be "not much" while doing something more than everyday activities is considered "productive". As we can't say we doing much if the other person is also doing those same everyday activities, isn't it?
The other interpretation, is that you like to keep your life private by keeping the response vague.

Sleepy humans are like Zombies. Some Adults, the first thing they do is get their coffee for the day. It's pretty self-explanatory.

Which Brain describes your mood at the moment? Or has one of the illustrations reminded you of a relatable experience?
I will keep continuing this project and experimenting with my digital art coloring to keep improving so I can find what is comfortable and discover my own niche style.
Thank you for supporting and viewing this project, and I hope you can leave an appreciation!
I will keep continuing this project and experimenting with my digital art coloring to keep improving so I can find what is comfortable and discover my own niche style.
Thank you for supporting and viewing this project, and I hope you can leave an appreciation!