It's summer here in Australia, and I wanted to try making more patterns. These are my own personal projects where I want to try and improve my own skills, experiment and see what type of pattern results I could come up with. For this project, "Summer Fun Collection" explores various pattern options and variations using icons from summer. These icons were hand drawn by me on glossy paper and then scanned and edited digitally to be used in a pattern. I hope you enjoy this series. Inside this collection, I put many sub collections with different variations inside those collections. 
"Colour Me Popsicle" is a fun mini series inside the Summer Fun Collection. It explores the different patterns just using the colourful popsicles. These type of summer patterns were inspired by designs from Kikki.k as they have many cute collections of designs. 
Part of the Coloured popsicle series, this sub-series explores popsicles but using colours of the traffic light. 
Popsi-cool (a pun I made) was a mini series exploring popsicle colours but in cool hues. Get it...? Popsi-cool? Maybe my jokes aren't that funny anymore. 
When I think about summer, I think about being refreshed, so when I thought about what else could be in a summer collection, I also thought about how refreshing leaves are. These leaves can be what you interpret them to be, mint, palm tree leaves, basil... etc. I found leaves refreshing and wanted to explore that notion a little bit more. 
To be fair, I kept seeing many watermelon designs everywhere, so I did wanted to try for myself if I could make my own version. So I explored this option as well and tried some summer fruit patterns. 
I thought that the watermelon I made resembles a pizza slice, so I decided to test what it would look like if it looked more like a complete pizza. The results were interesting. 
Icy Cold is another series I explored. Thinking about cold drinks, what makes us cool in summer? 
This is a popsicle series, but I didn't put it under "Colour Me Popsicle". It doesn't have the same type of colouring style, and so I thought this was more unique. Out of all the series, I like this sea salt popsicle pattern the most, because it is simple and it really gives the vibe of summer and the beach. Not like the other patterns don't, but I feel most attracted to this pattern out of all the other patterns I've made. 
That's it! Thanks for viewing all the different patterns! If I had time I would do a beach pattern series as I had more icons, though after working on these patterns for quite some time, I felt tired. Not every pattern is shown here, so you won't seen every pattern I worked on. But I hope you enjoyed this project, this was a fun  project for me to do, and I've always wanted to try and make a light hearted project, with a light type of style - without all the black outlines (like I'm used to) and just using the colour tones and white highlights to construct the icons and images. 

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