Humans are fascinating and complex creatures. I don't think people can be completely summed up just by their likes and dislikes because they are bound to change and shift as they grow. It may describe a phase in their life but the things that define us, is our experiences, and our reactions to those experiences. How we act, think and feel is what defines us as humans. 

Now, the mockup has nothing to do with the concept. I just needed an interesting cover. For this project, I wanted to share my concept of the "BrainHome". An idea where I thought to express the complex human in a fun, immersive infographic. In this case, I'm expressing myself. 

Happily stating the saying, "Pick my brains out" or DIGEST it (pun intended). 
Below, you'll read and view my captions for each room of my brain. I describe them to be parts of my personality, and a representation of ways I act, feel and think as a human. I even show my own flaws and secrets as I know that's what makes us most vulnerable yet most humane. 
"BrainHome" concept was originally for a weekly challenge from @itspaperguts on instagram. Paperguts had a challenge called, "Meet the Artist". They had a few examples on there but mostly artists that listed their likes, dislikes and niches, as a well as a drawing of themselves. I thought about doing my own but I wanted a different approach. 

I first sketched out the idea and finished the sketch within the week of the challenge. At first, it was hard to think about the rooms, and captions but I wanted to give time to this as it would be the rooms and captions that would define me. Someone one else may try this idea and their Brain rooms and captions may be completely different. Although if you are going to do your own version of the Brainhome, I would like some credit as I haven't seen anyone thought about this idea and polished it like I have. 
Thank you for viewing or DIGESTING this project (hehehe), and for the continuous support. Here's my brain one more time as a Thank you.

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