New Personal Branding for 2020. In all honesty, my personal branding is bound to change as I develop as a designer. I've decided why not capture this in a project that I can look back on and remember where I was at in my life.

There wasn't much research, I understood that my brand may change, so it was about following my intuition and looking at my style now. In my previous years, I found myself often confused and not confident in my design choices so I hesitated many times. This was about trusting my design experience that I have developed and trusting my intuition on how best to present myself. They say as you get older, you find you're more comfortable around yourself as you know yourself more than you did before.
I looked over patterns of personal instagram and the colours I used. For me it was, what was the pattern here and what's reoccurring?
Here's some things I noticed about my style now:
*I enjoy a subdued colour palette. Nothing too bright, but not too de-saturated either.
*I absolutely adore linework
*I realised that my values hasn't ever changed: I still value playfulness, curiosity. connection and being open-minded.
*I prefer print letters over cursive any day.
*My style has always combined cuteness with a little bit of ugly comical grunge.
*As my style develops, I find myself making bolder choices and more subtle ones too.
*I value my process more than ever, the relationship between the process and creator is a special relationship that I can treasure as I grow and learn more about myself.

Previously I had made profile icons and select branding elements for Plus 4 Creative such as profile icons and select hand-lettering styles. Being at Plus 4 Creative has given me more knowledge about myself because I had other designers to compare myself to. As Plus 4 Creative is combined effort of 4 designers, each of them with unique and distinct styles, we celebrated the diversity of each designer and this helped me to feel distinguished and understand my style better.